Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ahh, the smell of makes me twitch in ways I never thought I could. So I'm sitting here, thinking, hmmm....what if a REAL transvestite contacts me??? What if they HATE me??? And if they do, will they attempt to decapitate me with a spork? These are all important questions which I'm sure will be answered in time. On a lighter note, I have started a new fic! Involving what you ask??? Why, me and Sarah's alter-ego's of course! We're both in college, have a successful music-themed blog, (go figure), and have been asked-just because we're awesome like that-to attend London's 2012 Pre-Olympic Music Festival. One can only guess what sexy sorts of people we meet along the way. ;) And what perverts. Alas, I have foregone my Tranny identity for this tale. There are certain people in it whom I wish to canoodle with, and I doubt they would appreciate me having an inverted penis. Just saying. Anywho, my word of the day was going to be something awesome which I dreamed up while getting barely any sleep last night, but being my lame self, it seems to have slipped my mind. Instead, I took the time to type into the Google search bar: "Wierd Words". Ironically, it came up with one I am quite familiar with and love-floccinaucinihilipilification. If you wish to know what it means, go look it up yourselves, you lazy hookers. My brain power's just been exhausted by typing it. If you'll excuse me now, I have to go internet stalk my favorite band.
Later!- Tran

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