Showbiz- A positively stellar debut album that promises a whole lot of future awesome to come! :)
1. Sunburn- God, can anyone say piano? Love it, love it, love it. Favorite song on Showbiz.
2. Muscle Museum- The track that prompted me to get the entire album. Need I say more???Origin of Symmetry- See, this is the reason I decided to do this, it makes me think. *bites nails* So hard to pick! A great follow up album that, in my opinion, is where Muse really began to explore themselves and where they wanted to go. Not everyone liked that-(ehem, Maverick)-but I'm not the only one glad they went for it.
1. New Born-It's a close tie between this and Plug in Baby, but I have to say, after contemplating my inner subconcious, I have to say New Born wins. Maybe it's because I'm a sucker for piano beginnings??? That and this song is just Jesus.
2. Biss-Again with the piano beginnings! But come on, who doesn't love Bliss? And the music video ain't too shabby either!
Hullabaloo-The previously-released stuff on this is great too, but I have to say, I'm a sucker for the new tracks.
1. Hyper Chondriac Music- God. I cannot express how much I love this track. Favorite Muse song ever. It's beautiful, and powerful, and in my humble opinion, puts the original Hyper Music to shame.
2. Map of Your Head- CERTAIN individual friends would point out the semi-eroticism in this song. I love it because Matt's voice sounds so great. There's just a quality to it that you don't get to here in the less-stripped down, rockier songs.
Absolution-An album I had a seriously hard time picking favorites out of. Some honorable mentions-Hmm...basically everything else. A big thumbs up to one of my favorite music videos ever, Time Is Running Out.
1. Sing for Absolution-I am a big fan of songs where the chorus makes you want to lift up your hands and belt it out like your praising Jesus. ;P Not only does this song do that for me, but it occasionally gives me chills.
2. Fury-What's NOT to love about Fury? It's powerful in so many ways, from the guitar, to the lyrics, to Matt singing them. Not turning this song up the minute it comes blasting through your surround sound should be some sort of crime.
3. Falling Away With You- The beginning tricks you! I love the soft sweetness of the opening, but have absolutely no qualms with the fact that, as do most Muse songs, it suddenly turns into something louder. What is it they say? Bigger is better? Also-lyrics this sad should not be so romantic. It's damned criminal.
4. Blackout-A last minute addition. Everytime I hear this song, I fall in love with it more. Dreamy and utterly gorgeous.
Black Holes and Revelations-God, what do I say about this album? If I could put every single track from BH&R on this list, I would do so. Honorable Mentions include-Knights of Cydonia (can anyone say power chorus?), A Soldier's Poem (less is sometimes more), and the lyrics that proved Matt's genius, in Hoodoo.
1. Map of the Problematique-Deep, love. That's all I have to say. One of the few tracks I like better recorded than I do live. Contains lyrics that have always resonated with me-"Why can't we see, that when we bleed, we bleed the same?" It's profoundly amazing to me how mankind has managed to make such a simple, honest truth so very complex.
2. Take a Bow-What a song. So powerful, so angry, and yet what would usually sound like the work of a revolutionary crackpot here makes you want to pump your fist and take up a banner.
3. City of Delusion- The re-entrance of the guitar around 2:00 minutes is what originally hooked me, and it's still my most beloved part, but a great trumpet solo and a gorgeous violin backdrop remain a major plus.
4. Super Massive Black Hole- The song that led to an obsession. Anyone who says this song isn't catchy is either on crack or senile. And I mean that. Go get yourself checked. The riff Matt often does within this song is fucking fantastic.
The Resistance-The newest Muse album, and it doesn't disappoint. Completely self-produced. If you had to pick one album that showcased Muse, with their broad range of musical tastes and quirks, this would probably be the one to date that does it the most.
1. Resistance-I was late getting to this song, but it quickly succeeded Undisclosed Desires as my favorite on the album, with its eerie beginning and catchy chorus.
2. United States of Eurasia-So many things go on in this song, it would be easy to get overwhelmed, but the balance here is perfect. A little Queen, a little Arabian Nights, it makes the nerd nation proud.
3. Exogenesis: Symphony Part 1 (Overture)- A dreamscape violin beginning, some kick-ass low brass pedal tones, and lyrics that, even though they often repeat, are still captivating when paired with Matt's soaring voice, make this my favorite of the three part symphony. Still, give some love for "Let's start over again!" in Part III. Great stuff.
4. I Belong to You (Mon Coeur S'ouvre a ta voix)-This and my number three choice are, even though completely opposite, tied. It's funky, and fun, and come on, it's got adorably butchered french!