Friday, May 21, 2010
Be Jolly!
So sitting here in Economics, I want to write a little bit about the importance of being jolly. :) -Contrary to popular belief, it's ridiculously important. And what has prompted this post? Well, that may be the fact that I go to a highschool in which it seems that just about every human being minus my chosen social group seems to have some sort of drama. Until you listen into a small town highschool conversation, in class, at a lunch table, or just in passing, you have no idea just how overblown and out of proportion a 14-18 year olds life can get. Case in point-recently, I walked into the bathroom and perused one of the most unbelievingly mind-numbing pity rants in the history of the planet. Written on a toilet paper dispenser. "Why does no one love me? My boyfriend is a dousche. Are there really no great guys out there? Why does it seem like every guy I pick ends up misusing me, cheating on me, and treating me like crap?" etc, etc, etc...bla bla bla bla. Well, I thought to myself while attempting not to recognize the handwriting as that of one of my closest friends, maybe you should stop picking them. Because it seems to me that if they're never in your life, you'll never have a problem with them. Now, I know that sounds like a simple and obvious solution, but to too many highschoolers, it never even occurs to them. They just keep going around and around and around the same outrageously dramatic circle until they've convinced themselves that there's something wrong with them, their lives, or the planet in general. And I say-enough! For God sakes, half the population of earth is suffering in Third World poverty and you're worried about whether you'll ever find the right guy? Or whether your best friend thinks you're fat? Get over yourself! You are not the most important thing in the world. That may sound heartless, but really, you should here some of the things that people my age worry about! You can only nod and smile so much before you begin to feel like maybe you're losing all relevant brain power. I'm not saying that I, alone, am immune to these teenage dramas. Believe me, I get them. But it's rare. It's not something I worry about. In fact, I'm pretty sure that that's why my only sibling hates me. Because I really, really, don't care. About anything. I'm perfectly happy letting the world take it's course and bring me along for the ride. So be jolly, people! Contrary to popular belief, it's not just another word for "slacker", "lazy", or "just plain stupid". It's a legitimate strategy. I will not apologize for living outside of everyone elses brain-sucking stress vortex.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
What to do, what to do...
Sitting here in Nutrition Ed and wondering what to write about. So much stuff has been going on lately, (nothing bad), but there' s just so many things in my head and I don't know what to put down! My dear friend Kylie is graduating soon, which is rather depressing, and yet it makes me very, very proud of her. Also, it reminds me that I myself only have one more year in this school before I too am out in the world and on my own. What do I want to do? I have no idea. My ideal job would involve writing and the arts. Anyone who knows me also knows that I love the wierdest things. My favorite TV and movie channel is Turner Classic Movies. My taste in books ranges from reference, to greek, to usually published over seventy-five years ago. My dream trip would be to tour all of the greatest art museums in the world, starting with the Louvre and ending in the Guggenheim. If I could, I'd probably visit as may of the oldest houses in the country as I could, just to look at them. I adore Beauty and the Beast and anyone who says that Gene Kelley wasn't a genius deserves to be dipped in a pool of hot wax. If my sister wants to watch Glee, I prefer to watch Deadliest Catch. My favorite band has often been described as "prog rock" and most of American society would probably mistake them for a trio of gay opera singers. Oh, and did I mention that two out of my three favorite magazines are the Smithsonian and The Week? I have a deep wish to go sift through the Historical Room in Otsego Public Library. Yes, you guessed it. I am a GIANT GEEK, and I have no idea how to mash all of these loves into one, specific career. Ghaa. It's very scary, and very exciting, and I hope that when I do eventually decide, I get it right, because my biggest fear in the world is getting it wrong, and being eternally unhappy.
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